Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 3: Tidy mind, tidy stitches.

Todays topic is how one keeps their stash organized... I have some organized, some not.

I have my "stash" yarn in the garage - 
 It shares space with Sly's wood working stuff
Organized by color/project, but not by type.

And then I have my cotton and quick projects yarn in a reusable grocery bag upstairs - 
Yummmmmy cotton! All different kinds/brands. I make dish clothes/wash clothes a lot when I just need a quick mindless project, so this keeps me from having to go out into the garage to get anything.

And here's my project bag - Please keep in mind it's not usually this tidy looking, but I figured I'd better sort it out so I could show which projects were which in there.

You can click on the picture to see all the different projects Sly bought me this bag for my birthday. It has my initials on it. I love my HUGE project bag!

On the topic of organization, I have found that making a list helps me... a lot. When I frequently check a list I get off my butt and actually get something done. I've been making a daily list for a couple months now and it especially helps on my days off. I don't hold myself to them quite so much on my work days, because between work and a 5.5 month old, what's a schedule?
Here's an example of my list for day:
  • Blog
  • Clean downstairs bathroom
  • Empty compost bucket
  • Finish laundry
  • Post project to 111
  • Organize 31 stuff
  • Make tea for DH
  • Organize project bag
  • Bring Donald to get car from dealership
  • Finish order for Cafepress
Anything I don't finish today gets added to the list tomorrow, if it's possible I can get it done. Otherwise I will put it down for the next possible day. Today I was hoping I'd get to do something crafty, but I knew it was highly unlikely, so I decided to organize my project bag instead. 

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