Sunday, December 19, 2010

Yarn and Cookies

Sylvester is 9 weeks old as of Friday, I can't believe it's been that long. I only have a couple more weeks off. :( I'm trying to use every minute enjoying my little one and getting stuff done, not always as easily done as said, but we manage! He did really well with his 2 month shots, he was a little cranky that night and the next day but nothing horrible, no fevers. We started giving him pear juice (per the pediatrician) to keep his BM's from benig such an ordeal. And let me tell you, it works (in his arm pits, LOL.)

I'm knitting on those gloves and I'm super behind. I can't believe it's taken me this long to knit them, but wrangling a 2 month old and trying to knit just don't go together. I think I'll get them done in time, but just barely. I'm going to take a picture of them tomorrow as they are now, but here's one before I finished it.

And I made some Lactation Cookies tonight! They're pretty damn good, ifin I do say so myself. Next time I make some I'm going to add peanut butter chips and chocolate chips, to give it more peanut butter flavor. This time I used white chocolate chips and half the amount of called for nuts (in pecans). 
Sorry for the horrible picture, it's dark in here. I'm going to try to get a better picture tomorrow... if they last that long!

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